Unlike most power distribution blocks which are busbar (meaning they are all connected via solid metal bars) thus causing a reduction in power delivery as you descend down the unit. This in turn leads to a noticeable reduction in sound quality. Each of our sockets are independently wired with single crystal copper cable, with no loss of current delivery anywhere in the unit, and therefore offers superior sound to similarly priced units.
Like its less expensive sibling, the Award Winning Styx block, the Eros is a six way hard wired block however it is a vast improvement in a number of areas.
We wanted to keep the same characteristics with our power distribution units as our customers have become accustomed to with our cables, therefore quality was at the forefront of our design. The Eros offers flexibility with an IEC input allowing your personal choice of mains cable to truly refine your sound. We recommend the Titan Audio Eros or Nemesis mains cable, as it offers high current delivery into the block.
Eros is the perfect upgrade for any Hi Fi or Home Cinema system. With is streamline design, the power distribution block easily fits into any system, and can be used with everything from entry level to high end systems. Built to work perfectly with all our our mains cable range, with the same high quality connections, offering perfect fitment everytime.